1. Know where you're going.
2. Make plans.
3. Don't get discouraged. Failing a class is just practice for passing.
4. Be willing to take risks/chances.
5. Be intentional.
Here are links to the articles that were referenced:
1."10 Ways to Build Resilience" http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/road-resilience.aspx
2. "Academic Resilience and the Four Cs: Confidence, Control, Composure, and Commitment," by A.J. Martin and H.W. Marsh (you should be able to find this in the library's database)
On February 5th we learned about the "study power hour," aka the "concentration cycle." Here's how it works:
1. Start out with 5 min. of light concentration.
2. Go into moderate concentration, turn cell phone off, minimize other distractions, organize materials, and list study goals.
3. Do 20 min. of deep concentration.
4. Switch tasks and do another 20 min. of deep concentration.
5. Take a 10 min. study break to re-energize: move, breathe, drink water, have a high protein snack.
*Personal note* I'm used to a certain amount of family background noise, so places like the library are just too quiet for me. If I study on campus, one of my favorite places is the International Lounge in the TSC on the 2nd floor. There are windows, couches, electrical outlets, and a good supply of background noise. Do what works best for you.
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